A recollection for Sunday School Catechists was held on 17 July 2022 at Our Lady of Victories Church, Mahim. Fr Kenneth Pereira, parish priest of St Dominic Savio Church, Wadala (E), animated the recollection. A total of 132 catechists from 13 different parishes attended the programme.
After a hymn to the Holy Spirit, Fr Pereira spoke on the theme of ‘Discipleship, Vocation and Formation of Catechists’. Quoting from Pope Francis’ apostolic letter Antiquum Ministerium, Fr Pereira stated that the ministry of the Catechist is ancient, but was never formally recognized. The Pope has rectified that omission by formally instituting the ministry of Catechist in his recent apostolic letter.
At the end of the presentation, Fr Pereira taught the catechists the hymn ‘Love Jesus, Live Jesus’. He then led the catechists into prayer for the children in Sunday School classes, and asked the catechists to make intercessory prayers for them.
The third part of the programme was a session on creativity in catechesis. Fr Pereira gave the audience a taste of creative catechetical activity by teaching them a song: The Catholic Alphabet. This was followed by a couple of ‘holy’ puzzles and a catchy poem: The U in Jesus.
Towards the end of the programme, Fr Pereira presented a booklet that he himself has authored: A Catholic Catechism Quiz. The session ended with the singing of the hymn ‘O Give Thanks to the Lord’.